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SQL250: Transact-SQL for Developers

By Peter Avila
5 Days
Live Class Recording
April 22, 2024
Course Description

In this course, you’ll establish a solid foundational understanding of database concepts and terminology. Then you’ll master the use of various Microsoft tools to submit queries to quickly and efficiently get the results you want.

We teach students how to write a query the same way that SQL Server processes a SQL statement – following a step-by-step process for creating SQL queries from business requirements. This approach uses the natural way of breaking down a problem into logical steps. Each step can be validated before moving to the next step. This differs from most courses, which present SQL as a set of features.

Finally, the you’ll learn to harness the power of using T-SQL statements inside common database objects like Views, Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions.

Class lectures highlight and explain Transact-SQL concepts which are reinforced with extensive follow-along demonstrations and hands-on labs.

Course Outline

1. Database Concepts

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to describe the objects that make up a database, data relationships within the database and how databases guarantee uniqueness of defined objects.

  • Conceptual View
  • Logical View
  • Database Diagramming

2.Using the Tools

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to use SQL Server Management Studio to discover the database definition including tables and data relationships and how databases guarantee uniqueness of defined objects.

  • SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Overview
  • Viewing Basic Table Metadata
  • Viewing Other Table Constraints
  • SSMS Database Diagramming

3. Getting the Data

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to write a simple SELECT statement, returning all the columns and rows. Students will be able to formulate and write a meaningful join strategy to bring together all necessary data. The students will also be able to utilize a subquery to reshape data before using it in a query, write joins using the old and new form join syntax and write subqueries using Common Table Expressions.

  • SQL Language
  • The SELECT Statement
  • The FROM clause
  • Joining Tables
  • Using Views and Subqueries
  • Reformulating Subqueries using Common Table Expressions
  • Old Form Join Syntax

4. Filtering the Data

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to write a WHERE clause to filter the rows based on equality, a list of values, a range of values, a wildcard character condition and the existence of values in a subquery. The student will also be able to consider the impact on filtering based on implicit data conversions using data type precedence and how to create a proper search argument.

  • When is the WHERE clause processed?
  • The WHERE Clause
  • Filtering Data with Equality
  • Using a List of Values
  • Using Subqueries to Filter Data
  • Data Type Precedence
  • Proper Search Arguments

5. What to Display

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to control the display of data out of a SQL SELECT, rename column names, write expressions using standard operators and built-in function to change output values, conditionally change the output values using CASE expressions, sort the result set, eliminate duplicate rows and control the number of rows returned when necessary.

  • When is the Column List Processed?
  • Identifying Columns
  • Renaming Columns through a Column Alias
  • When and How to use Built-in Functions
  • Using Subqueries in the Column List
  • Using the CASE Expression
  • Ordering Rows
  • Controlling Row Display

6. Aggregating the Data

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to write Transact-SQL queries that add up values across rows based by group, filter the result set based on aggregated values, include aggregated values with detail rows, pivot rows into columns and define rank and row numbers.

  • When is the Aggregation Performed?
  • Grouping and Aggregating
  • Pivoting Data
  • Aggregate Window Functions
  • Using Ranking Functions

7. Modifying the Data

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to define the attributes of a database transaction, control the start and end of a transaction, add rows to a table, delete rows from a table, update values in a table and merge a result set into a table. The student will also be able to generate a result set of changes made during an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or MERGE statement.

  • Defining Database Transactions
  • INSERT Statement
  • DELETE Statement
  • UPDATE Statement
  • MERGE Statement

8. Modules

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to create a database view and in-line table value functions that filter columns and rows. Students also will be able to create and execute a simple stored procedure with parameters and create and execute simple scalar/multi-statement user-defined functions.

  • Layers of Abstraction-Three Schema Architecture
  • Creating and Using Views
  • Creating and Using User-Defined Scalar Functions
  • Creating and Using Inline-Table Valued Function
  • Creating and using Stored Procedures
  • Creating and Using Multi-Statement Table-Valued Functions

9. Procedural Logic

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to write Transact-SQL scripts that loop, test conditions, handle exceptions and conditions and display messages to users. Students will also be able to write procedural logic for Stored Procedures and User-defined Functions.

  • SQL Batch
  • Niladic Functions
  • Local Variables
  • Conditional Processing
  • Iterative Processing
  • Branching
  • Exception Handling
  • Structured Exception Handling
  • PRINT and RAISERROR Statement
Course Content
Intoduction And Course logistics
Intoduction And Course logistics (Continuation after break)
SQL Server Common Topology
Connecting to your lab environment
Recreating the lab environment
Intoduction And Course logistics (Continuation)
Module 1 SQL Foundations
Three-Schema Architecture
The Database Table
The Database Table (Continuation after lunch)
Relationships in Data Modeling
Relationships in Data Modeling (Continuation after break)
Day 1 Review
Day 1 Review (Continuation after disconnect)
Module 1 SQL Foundations
Relationships in Data Modeling (Continuation next day)
Relationships in Data Modeling (Continuation after break)
Relationships in Data Modeling (Continuation after lunch)
Database Diagramming
Introduction to Dimension Modeling
Module 2 Using the Tools
SSMS Overview
Viewing the Basic Table Metadata
Viewing the Basic Table Metadata (Continuation after break)
Module 3 Getting the Data
Single Join Queries (Introducing Joins)
Module 2 Using the Tools
Viewing the Basic Table Metadata (Continuation next day)
Viewing Other Table Constraints
SSMS Database Diagramming
Solutions and Projects
Module 3 Getting the Data
The FROM clause
Single Join Queries
Single Join Queries (Continuation after lunch)
Multiple Join Queries
Multiple Join Queries (Continuation after break)
Subqueries and Persistense
Join Syntax Forms (Old vs New)
Day 3 Review
Module 4 Filtering the Data
Basic Filtering
Basic Filtering (Continuation after break)
Complex Filtering
Using Subqueries in the WHERE clause
Using Subqueries in the WHERE clause (Continuation after break)
Search Arguments
Module 5 What to Display
Column List
Using Functions in the Column List
Using Subqueries in the Column List
Controling Row Display
Day 3 Review
Module 6 Aggregating the Data
Grouping Data
Advanced Grouping Operations
Advanced Grouping Operations (Continuation after break)
Ranking Functions
Module 7 Modifying the Data
Defining Transaction
Inserting Data
Deleting Data
Updating Data
Merging Data
Module 8 SQL Modules
Levels of Abstraction
Module overivew
Used Defined Scalar Functions
Inline Table-Valued Function
Stored Procedures
Module 9 Procedural Logic
Batches and Special functions
Exception Handling
Module 8 SQL Modules
Stored Procedures (Continued)
Stored Procedures (Advanced)
Module 9 Procedural Logic
Variables and Procedural Statements