Subnetting a TCP/IP Network using the Magic Box Method
One of the things that we might have to do in our corporate network is to take a class of IP addresses and then subnet that into what’s called a Classless IP Addressing Scheme.
If our corporation owns a Class B or Class C address we might not want to use private IP addressing to accomplish multiple network segments.
In this session, we are going to look at how to subnet a Class B address into multiple network segments using what’s called The Magic Box. You may or may not have heard of the Magic Box before. You may have learned subnetting in a Microsoft class or learned how to subnet in a Cisco class, CompTIA + or a Citrix class.
There’s many different ways of accomplishing the same task. One of the things I learned a long time ago from another instructor was a feature called the Magic Box. For me, it made sub‑netting very simple.
Let’s run through this real quick.