Course: Outline
1. JavaScript Primer
- The Role of JavaScript
- Variables, Types and Objects
- Operators, Conditionals and Loops
- Working with Functions
2. JavaScript and the DOM
- Locating DOM Elements
- DOM Manipulation
- Handling DOM Events
- Manipulating Styles and CSS Classes
3. JavaScript HTML5
- HTML5 JavaScript APIs
- Drawing with the Canvas
- Storing Data Locally
- Geolocation and Mapping
4. JavaScript Objects
- JavaScript Objects
- Constructor
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Working with Properties
- Creating a JavaScript Factory
5. Function Techniques
- Immediately Invoked Functions
- Using call(), bind(), and apply() to change Context
- Async: Callbacks vs. Promises
- Working with Array Functions
6. JavaScript Patterns
- Pattern Enablers
- Prototyping
- Object Literals
- Namespaces
- Closures
- Digging into Closures
- Key Patterns
- Prototype Pattern
- Revealing Module Pattern
- Revealing Prototype Pattern
7. Data Binding and Templates
- Why DOM code is Tedious
- Using Client-Side Templates
- Benefits of Data Binding
- Client-Side Data Binding Options:
- Handlebars
- KnockoutJS
- AngularJS
8. Getting Started with ECMAScript 6
- ECMAScript 6 tools that let you use it today!
- Key ECMAScript Features
- Defining Classes
- Destructuring
- Arrow Functions
- Maps and Sets
- Template Strings
- Default and Rest Parameters
9. Getting Started with TypeScript
- Introduction to TypeScript
- TypeScript Keywords and Hierarchy
- Classes, Functions and Interfaces
- Working with Modules
This course is valuable for developers who are interested in building applications using the JavaScript programming language.
Previous experience with JavaScript, HTML and CSS is required to get the most out of this course. Although a JavaScript primer is provided, this course dives deep into various aspects of the language and is not a beginning JavaScript course.
Recommended pre-requisite course: 20480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3
What You Will Learn
- Core JavaScript language concepts
- How JavaScript can be used with key HTML5 APIs
- The role of prototypical inheritance
- How to create JavaScript factories
- The role of the constructor
- Prototypal Inheritance
- Key JavaScript patterns that can be used to clean up your code
- How to create custom JavaScript objects
- Client-Side Data binding techniques that can minimize code
- Key ECMAScript 6 Features
- Using ECMASCript 6 Today with specialized tools
- Getting Started with TypeScript