Course: Outline
Session 1 – Governance
Session topics:
- 1.1 Risk Assessment Concepts, Standards and Frameworks
- 1.2 Organizational Strategy, Goals and Objectives
- 1.3 Organizational Structure, Roles and Responsibilities
- 1.4 Organizational Culture and Assets
- 1.5 Policies, Standards and Business Processes
- 1.6 Enterprise Risk Management, Risk Management Frameworks and Three Lines of Defense
- 1.7 Risk Profile, Risk Appetite and Risk Tolerance
- 1.8 Navigating Professional Ethics of Risk Management and Requirements in Laws, regulations and Controls
Session 2 – IT Risk Assessment
Session topics:
- 2.1 Risk Events, Threat Modeling and Threat Landscape
- 2.2 Vulnerability and Control Deficiency Analysis
- 2.3 Risk Scenario Development
- 2.4 Risk Register
- 2.5 Risk Analysis Methodologies
- 2.6 Business Impact Analysis
- 2.7 Inherent, Residual and Current Risk
Session 3 – Risk Response and Reporting
Session topics:
- 3.1 Risk Treatment/Risk Response Options
- 3.2 Risk and Control Ownership
- 3.3 Managing Risk from Processes, Third Parties and Emerging Sources
- 3.4 Control Types, Standards and Frameworks
- 3.5 Control Design, Selection and Analysis
- 3.6 Control Implementation, Testing and Effectiveness
- 3.7 Risk Treatment Plans
- 3.8 Data Collection, Aggregation, Analysis and Validation
- 3.9 Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting Techniques
- 3.10 Performance, Risk and Control Metrics