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55039: Windows PowerShell Scripting and Toolmaking

Module 1 – Getting to Know Objects
This module builds the foundation of how PowerShell represents information. We will be creating our own object as the output of or code, keeping in line with PowerShell best practices.
- Properties
- Methods
- Events
- Discovering Objects
Module 2 – PowerShell Functions
We will discover how functions can be used to modularize your code to hep making testing and development easier, but also advancing your functions to become PowerShell cmdlets that can accept information inside of the PowerShell Pipeline.
- Building a basic function
- Passing data
- How to use functions
- Advanced parameterization
- Using private functions
- Working with Parameters
- Working with switch parameters
- PowerShell Pipeline ByValue
- PowerShell Pipeline ByPropertyName
- Write code to Accept Input ByProperyName
Module 3 – Creating Output
Now that we have the ability to create PowerShell cmdlets, we need to be able to create output that is accepted by other cmdlets. We will be creating customized objects.
- Why create custom objects?
- Ways to create objects
- Naming your objects
- Accepting your objects in the pipeline
- Creating custom objects
- Accepting your objects in the pipeline
Module 4 – Advanced PowerShell Modules
This lesson is about polishing your PowerShell models to a professional level. We will take control of the output system to control what is displayed as well as ensure your code follows community standards.
- How to create a module
- Module manifest
- Formatting file
- Reviewing your code
- Complete the formatting file
Module 5 – Advanced debugging and error handling
Code never works the first time. We will focus on techniques to help you discover why your code is not working correctly and how to handle errors properly when they occur.
- VSCode debugging
- Try / Catch / Finally
- How PowerShell handles errors
- Handling specific errors
- Custom Error Handling
Module 6 - API Integration
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow you to call upon the functionality of an installed program or website to enhance your PowerShell code and to reduce the amount of code you need to write. In this lesson we will discuss APIs and discover how to integrate our code with APIs that require authentication. We will also discuss some of the advanced authentication methods, so you are prepared to utilize account-based APIs. We will then perform a lab activity to assist with a real-life security issue.
- Resolving IP Address locations using an API
Module 7 – Graphical Interfaces
PowerShell has great potential not only for the technical users, but for the non-technical users as well. This module is about how to put a graphical interface on top of your PowerShell code to make it usable by all. We will cover the more popular graphical control elements and sharpen our skills through a series of challenges.
- Installing the support software
- Events
- Forms
- Label
- Textboxes
- Buttons
- Radio buttons
- Check boxes
- Data grid views
- Scopes of memory
- Form projects
- Deploying GUIsHeading
- None
The course is designed for anyone who already has experience developing automation code using PowerShell and is interested in creating modules of code for the automation of tasks and processes. The participant will already have completed either MOC 10961 or AZ-040.
Before attending this course, students must have:
- Completion of MOC 10961 or AZ-040
- Experience in creating PowerShell solutions.
- Experience leveraging WMI/CIM using PowerShell